From Student Leader to Professional: Miranda Moreno’s Next Chapter Unfolds

Miranda Moreno ’23 will take center stage on Dec. 19 as speaker for Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s Fall 2023 commencement for the College of Arts and Sciences.

Moreno, a native of San Antonio’s Southside, has been an active and exemplary figure on campus, serving as a student worker, Silver Liner Mentor, Tau Sigma National Honor Society Secretary, Sociology Club President and First-Generation Mentor. Her achievements include winning the Social Sciences Department’s award for Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Engagement in Sociology for her impactful research on gender discrimination. She will graduate with a degree in sociology from the College of Arts and Sciences.

We connected with Moreno to learn more about her past, present and future.

Q: How does it feel to be on the verge of graduating college?
A: It is very exciting. When I first started college, the finish line seemed so far away. Now that it is right around the corner, it’s weird to think back at the scared little girl I was at the beginning because I have grown so much

Q: Looking back, what’s the most unexpected experience that made an impact on you in college?
A: The most unexpected experience for me was being an officer in different organizations on campus. I was the secretary for Tau Sigma and the President of the Sociology club. If you had told me five years ago that I would be the president of something and leading people, I would’ve laughed in your face.

Q: What advice would you give to your freshman self?
A: Don’t be scared to take chances. You will never know the outcome of what will happen unless you try. Apply for that scholarship, sign up for that leadership opportunity, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

Q: What has most prepared you for after graduation?
A: Serving as a club officer and working on campus has not only refined my leadership skills but also offered a taste of real-world responsibility. I learned how to make decisions, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others. These are all crucial elements in navigating the professional landscape post-graduation.

Q: Who were the professors or what were the classes that left a lasting impact?
A: Dr. Joseph Simpson and Dr. Sarah Pollock were my rocks. I met Dr. Simpson when I took his statistics for sociology course. They have also answered hundreds of my emails over the years.

Q: What’s next for you after graduation?
A: Right now I have a job lined up with Meals on Wheels as a Client Services Coordinator. I also plan to attend graduate school and obtain my master’s degree in sociology. I want to be a professor of sociology.

Q: How did you feel when you learned you would be speaking at commencement, representing your graduating class?
A: When I first heard the news, I was shocked. I did not feel like I deserved this opportunity because other amazing seniors are graduating. But then I thought, why not me? I have dedicated my life to A&M-San Antonio for the past two years, providing guidance to incoming freshmen and transfer students. I am involved on campus, and I made it to the end despite facing many obstacles. I show resilience and dedication. I am a Jaguar.

Q: What message do you hope to convey to your fellow graduates during your commencement speech?
A: I want graduates to be proud of themselves. We did it, we made it through the hardships and that is something to be proud of.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are here to help each other.
Miranda Moreno – Class of 2023

Q: What advice would you offer to future graduates as they navigate the transition from college to the next chapter of their lives?
A: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are here to help each other.

Q: What does crossing the stage symbolize to you?
A: It symbolizes change, motivation, and dedication. It’s not only an accomplishment for myself but for my whole family.

Q: Having finished your degree what would you say to someone on the fence about starting theirs?
A: Just do it and guide yourself.

Q: Any last words before you officially depart from A&M-SA?
A: Keep your roots close, tackle challenges head-on, and roll with the punches. The pride you feel when you complete your goal is worth it.

For more information about the Spring 2023 Commencement at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, please visit Graduate Services. The University invites families, friends and our fellow Jaguars to commemorate the graduates’ educational journey.

When: December 19, 2023
10 a.m.- College of Arts and Sciences
3 p.m.- College of Business and College of Education and Human Development

Where: Freeman Coliseum, 3201 E. Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78219